
Posts Tagged ‘warmth for warriors’

A few weeks ago I showed you some of the wash clothes I had crocheted so far and now I want to show you the two most recent additions.

The first one up is from a pattern called “Paint the Town”. It was a bit more complicated than any of the others I had tried to this point and if you are a crocheter and look close you can see the many flaws in it.  Even though I messed it up a bit I just kept going and did the best I could and I’m sure it will serve its purpose even with the flaws. I plan on trying this one again and hopefully doing a better job.

The next one is called “High Tech” and I really like the way it came out. I don’t think I messed anything up on this one. I love the way the edging turned out the best. It was a fairly simple pattern to follow since it was done with square sides compared to the other one that started out with a center circle.

So now you might be wondering what would I need all those wash cloths for? Well I shipped all nine off to the Warmth for Warriors project. Next up I will be making some hats to send to them during the winter months. This has been a great way to learn more about different crochet stitches and how to read a pattern and I love that I can do something for a very worthy cause.

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This month’s project that Lynne presented to us for the Blogville Ladies Crochet Society is to make a pot holder. The yarn needed for this project has to be 100% cotton and I didn’t have enough left over from the dish cloths I made for our last project so I headed off to Joann’s to see what I could find.

I was looking for colors that would go well in our kitchen and found a variegated green for one and a twist that has red, green, blue and yellow in it called “Twists Chalet”.  I also picked up some cream and yellow to compliment these yarns.

Twists Chalet Potholder – Front

Twists Chalet Potholder – back

I like the way the colorful side looks, but it isn’t really as good a match for our kitchen as I would like.

Camo Potholder – front

Camo Potholder – back

The green colors in the other yarn are a perfect match for the wall paper in our kitchen, but after getting about half done with the crochet of the one side my husband pointed out that the pattern looked like camouflage.  Not that there is anything wrong with camouflage. It’s just not the theme I was hoping for. I finished the potholder and now I wonder if Dave & Zim’s mom from Army of Four Digest might like it for her new kitchen since I know that she has an affinity for camo? I have plenty more yarn so I can easily make a pair of them too.  Let me know KZK, it’s yours for the taking.

In the mean time I decided to see what it would look like if I alternated every few rows of crocheting with the green and then the cream and here is what I got.

Green & White striped dish cloth

I decided to start with a dish cloth and I really like how it turned out.  I have already started on another potholder in the same pattern.  I did two rows of single crochet with each color. Most of the time I was working on this was during the breaks of the Ricky Tims seminar.  Our friend Dorothy, that came to the seminar with my mom and I, showed me how to not have to cut the yarn after each color change so I only had to bury two ends when I was done.

On another note I also learned about a project where you can knit or crochet cotton wash cloths to send to our troops serving in Afghanistan.  It is through the Warmth for Warriors program that provides knit and crochet wool hats to our troops in the winter. I will be making some wash cloths to send their way soon and when I get some more practice under my belt I will also try my hand at a hat to send their way too.

Thanks again to Lynne for the great tutorial and getting me hooked on hooking!

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